感謝主!我們今年將懷著激動的心情重返Messiah College,恢復在那裡進行的一年一度的夏令退
鏈接:https://forms.gle/oD3RHfkjtCKVKERp8 。我們將在接下來的幾周主日午餐時間收取註冊費。
請將支票抬頭寫給CCCGW,並在memo上註明Summer Retreat。請和我們一起為今年的夏令會禱告
Summer Retreat Registration Is Now Open!
We are excited to go back to Messiah University for our annual summer retreat. Registration has already
started and will end on Sunday, June 19th. The best way to register is to use this online link: 
Checks to cover registration fees will be collected during lunch the next few weeks. Please make checks
payable to CCCGW and put "summer retreat" on the memo line. We look forward to a great time
together! For Messiah College Direction and Summer Retreat Info, please click here or read the insert
page of the bulletin.
Apartment: $225 per person
Dorm: $210 per person
English Speaker: Pastor Steve DeSebastian